Cómo preparar la piel de cara al otoño
Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to stick to a schedule and return to the daily routine.
The golden glow of our skin will gradually fade, just like the memories of peaceful after-lunch moments and endless nights. However, by following some simple guidelines, we can not only extend the tan but also begin preparing the skin for autumn.
Exfoliation. Although some believe this will erase the golden tone of the skin, it’s actually the first step to keep it even and free of spots. It’s the starting point for preparing the skin by removing dead cells that dull the color, activating circulation, and facilitating cellular regeneration. Ideally, now that our skin needs more attention than ever, it should be exfoliated twice a week.
Nutrition and Hydration. Dehydrated skin is more vulnerable, and to regain its elasticity and firmness after the damage caused by the sun, sea, or wind, it requires a restorative treatment. We need to give it extra hydration with nourishing creams. The olivolein or vitamin E in Olivolea creams nourish and hydrate while combating cellular aging and restoring the skin’s health.
When showering, it’s better to use cold water as it prevents peeling and improves blood circulation. Hydration is key. If drinking two liters of water feels tedious, you can always try herbal teas or fresh juices.
Extra intake of vitamins and minerals.
Although the regular consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, or Brussels sprouts, provides a good amount of the essential vitamin C, now is the time to take a nutritional supplement that offers an extra boost of minerals and antioxidant and skin-rejuvenating vitamins. In pharmacies, we can find supplements containing folic acid, magnesium, zinc, and iron, in addition to vitamins B, C, and E.
We must not forget the importance of olive oil in our diet. In addition to aiding the absorption of the minerals mentioned above, it gives our skin a healthier appearance and restores its natural glow.