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Article: How to Protect and Care for Scars

Cómo proteger y cuidar las cicatrices

How to Protect and Care for Scars

Scars are a common aesthetic concern, and improving their appearance depends on proper wound healing and post-treatment care.

Often, we neglect small injuries, assuming a scratch doesn’t require much attention, only to have it permanently marked on our skin. Other times, due to lack of knowledge, scars are not treated correctly. It’s common to rely on home remedies that are sometimes ineffective or even harmful. In summer, scars can become particularly bothersome due to heat-related discomfort and itching, and the sun is a major enemy. Proper scar care starts with following a series of basic guidelines, and it’s also important to remember that not all scars are the same.

Types of Scars:

  • Hypertrophic Scars: These rise above the skin due to excessive production of connective fibers. They are red and can cause itching or pain.

  • Keloid Scars: These are overgrown scars that form after wound healing and can even exceed the size of the original wound. They often occur on parts of the body under high tension and can cause itching and burning sensations.

  • Atrophic Scars: Common after acne or chickenpox outbreaks, these scars appear slightly sunken due to a lack of collagen.




  1. Stimulate Regeneration:
    The first step is to activate healing. Apply products with natural actives that promote scar repair, such as rosehip oil or centella asiatica. Licotriz, formulated with Olivolein, zinc oxide, and rosehip enriched with lycopene, is the perfect cream for these cases. It prevents the formation of crusts and irregularities in the skin, smooths scars, reduces their visibility, and encourages their disappearance.

  2. Avoid Sun Exposure:
    A common myth is that sun exposure helps scars heal, but it can actually worsen their appearance. Sunlight promotes inflammation, pigmentation, and redness of the wound. Maximum protection of the scar is essential.

  3. Hydrate the Skin:
    For deeper wounds, water evaporates quickly from the skin, so it’s crucial to keep the area well-hydrated with products that retain moisture. Olivolea formulas maintain hydration 28% longer, even four hours after application.

  4. Be Cautious with Massages:
    Regularly massaging the area can help prevent scar tissue from becoming inflamed. However, be very careful with burns or infections. Above all, massages should never be painful.

  5. Protect Under Water:
    Avoid submerging scars if they are still slightly open. Hot water, in particular, can worsen the healing process by softening the tissue. However, once the scar is fully closed, you can enjoy the beach or pool, provided you use adequate protection.

  6. Prevent Crust Formation:
    Crusts are dried remnants of blood resulting from tissue tears. Contrary to popular belief, they form a dry layer that delays healing. It’s important to clean the wound to prevent crusting and use products that regenerate tissue and ensure proper re-epithelialization, like Licotriz.


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