The Psoriasis
If moisturizing creams are essential for any skin type, they are even more important for psoriasis patients.
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease with various symptoms, the most common being rough red areas with well-defined edges covered by thick white skin known as "scales." In patients with mild to moderate psoriasis, who have slight dryness or hyperkeratosis in localized areas such as elbows or knees, the application of dermopharmaceutical moisturizing and emollient products with a low concentration of keratolytics may be sufficient.
Moisturizing, emollient, and regenerative creams should always be included as part of any treatment, as they form a fatty layer that prevents water loss, softens the stratum corneum, significantly reduces hyperkeratosis, and improves skin elasticity, preventing fissuring of plaques.
LICOTRIZ by Olivolea has demonstrated its efficacy as an adjunctive treatment for psoriasis by maintaining hydration, eliminating flaking, relieving itching, and softening the skin while keeping it flexible and elastic.
Warm baths for 5 or 10 minutes with emollient substances (colloidal oatmeal extract or emollient oils such as Olivoleina) are recommended to reduce itching and help moisturize the plaques. Olivolea Bath Gel, specifically formulated with Olivoleina, Aloe Vera, and Chamomile for the most sensitive and dehydrated skin, also helps improve the sensation of dehydration, reduces itching, and provides a relaxing effect on the skin.