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Article: Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented?

¿Se pueden prevenir las estrías?

Can Stretch Marks Be Prevented?

Stretch marks are one of the most common aesthetic concerns for women, especially a major worry for pregnant women.

They have an appearance similar to scars. In fact, without prior care, stretch marks become permanently etched into our skin—initially reddish in tone, later turning white.

Why Do They Appear?

Stretch marks occur when body volume increases faster than the skin can adapt. In the dermis, collagen and elastin fibers can lose elasticity and break under tension. This is why they are common during pregnancy, due to the physical and hormonal changes women experience. During the second trimester, estrogen levels rise, which in turn reduces the production of the skin’s fibrous proteins.

Aside from weight gain and loss, other factors can contribute to their appearance. Stress can affect cellular oxygenation and manifest in the skin. Cortisone treatments frequently cause dermatological issues, and some people are genetically predisposed to develop stretch marks.

Can They Be Removed?

Stretch marks can be prevented, but they cannot be completely erased. Even with specific care, it is possible for them to appear. The key, as always, lies in proper nutrition and hydration.

It is highly recommended to keep the skin well-hydrated—not just internally, but also with specific creams that should be applied morning and night. During pregnancy or periods of rapid growth in children, it’s essential to focus on the areas of the body that undergo the most changes: the belly, breasts, waist, and thighs. This helps the skin adapt and prepares it to handle these changes.

Anti-stretch mark creams are your best allies. It’s important to find a good one, which doesn’t always mean the most expensive. Stretch marks form in the dermis, the deep layer of the skin, so a surface-level treatment will have no effect. The cream must absorb well and provide the necessary nutrients.

Maintaining a balanced diet to avoid sudden weight changes is crucial. Exercise helps maintain weight and improves blood circulation, as do massages, which also enhance skin tone.

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