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Article: Belén Castro's weekly training routine

La rutina de entrenamiento semanal de Belén Castro

Belén Castro's weekly training routine

Staying fit requires taking care of your diet and practicing some kind of sport on a regular basis, but also certain lifestyle habits that help to perfectly complement the benefits of regular training. It is about staying active not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally: at all levels.

In my case, I follow a 5-day-a-week training plan in which I do two days of cardio only, two days of strength training, and one day of mobility and flexibility. My goal is to work on balance, strength, and coordination, and for that, there is nothing better than training with functional exercises, suspension exercises with TRX, and strength exercises with weights.

When my weekend schedule allows, I do high-intensity workouts, short HIIT sessions to go a little further... this way I ensure complete maintenance, improve my cardiovascular endurance and at the same time I tone up in short sessions.

What is certain is that the key is to exercise daily, even in small doses, the benefits are immense and not just physically.

To maintain a healthy balance, you need to find something that works for you, whether it's going for a run, a 30-minute walk in the park, or a strength training session at the gym… It has been shown that exercising regularly can reduce anxiety symptoms by more than 20%.

And of course, diet, which is a key factor for good performance in sports. I am very disciplined and follow a balanced diet in fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as rich in natural antioxidants and beta-carotenes. I also try to supplement with some extra doses of vitamin C, E and minerals such as selenium and zinc.

I believe that nutrition not only promotes a healthier mind, but also gives me the energy I need to face each sports session in the most appropriate way and optimally for my performance. That is why it is very important to optimize the diet and hydration pattern in order to prevent fatigue from appearing earlier than expected during training.

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