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Article: Three Water Sports to Practice in Summer

Tres deportes acuáticos para practicar en verano

Three Water Sports to Practice in Summer

Snorkeling, kitesurfing, and swimming. Three water sports I recommend practicing during this summer season. I’d like to start a new series of visual posts to recommend healthy and wholesome activities and practices—just like our creams.

We’re already in the midst of summer (I hope you’re enjoying it, whether on vacation or just embracing the summer spirit), so I’d like to kick things off with three sports I’ve tried, and some I still practice. One is more challenging—kitesurfing—and two are very simple to get into: snorkeling and swimming.

Don’t let another summer go by without trying one of them. These are outdoor sports, in touch with the wind and water, that will benefit you inside and out. Give them a shot—you’ll see.

Practicing kitesurfing requires more complex equipment than snorkeling or swimming. The thrills are also greater: a kite attached to your body with a harness allows you to glide over the water on a board or even fly and perform tricks above it.

If even snorkeling seems complicated to you, swimming leaves no room for excuses. You don’t need the sea to enjoy one of the most refreshing and healthy activities of the summer.

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