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Article: Three Mountain Sports to Practice in Summer

Tres deportes de montaña para practicar en verano

Three Mountain Sports to Practice in Summer

Climbing, trail running, and rafting. Three mountain sports I recommend for this summer season.

I’m continuing my recommendations for healthy sports to practice in summer. After sharing my favorite water sports, it’s now the mountain’s turn. I love practicing trail running, climbing, and rafting, though sometimes hiking satisfies me just as much. These are outdoor sports, in touch with the wind and water, that leave you feeling renewed inside and out, and they’re also quite accessible.

Running on rugged terrain is thrilling and boosts adrenaline. Sometimes a simple walk is enough. Other times, your body craves a run. And occasionally, trying trail running—getting off the beaten path, following secondary trails, crossing streams, and going up and down steep terrain—is highly recommended.

What I love most about climbing is the tactile sensation of contact with the rock. Concentration and safety are crucial to avoid any issues, but once everything is checked, I guarantee that the thrill of climbing makes it all worthwhile.

If you've never tried rafting, I encourage you to give it a go. It's a lot of fun, especially because it's done in groups. It's perfect to enjoy with family or friends, including a few dips to make the experience even better. Despite the initial shock, the cold water of mountain rivers is incredibly refreshing for the body.

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